Resin moon-shaped LED lamp with a small prince gazing at his rose on top, made from an LDPE resin mold.

【FORMART Project】#27 Use FORMART S to make Moon Lamp

Use FORMART S to make Moon Lamp

When I create alone, all my worries disappear, because I am so free in that world, FORMART S breaks the boundaries of my creativity, and allows me to make exquisite and unique moon lamp even with the simplest paperclay, accompanying me on every quiet night.

Machine of use

FORMART S Smart Vacuum Former

Maetrial of use

Paper Clay, CAST Sheet LDPE , EP01 Epoxy resin, color mixing paste, LED touch lamp


  1. Start by using paper clay to create a favorite shape of the moon lamp.
  2. Press a few craters into the surface and use crumpled aluminum foil to gently press a surface roughness onto the surface.
  3. LDPE is used to turn the planet molds and the recessed molds for the LED lights.
  4. Fill with epoxy resin and wait for it to harden.
  5. Enjoy your moon lamp creation.

Special thnaks to 龜龜老師

Youtube recommendation

Jerry Huang 、 Huzi

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