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Firmware updates?

Where can I review and download firmware updates for the Formart 2?

emerson has reacted to this post.

Hi Craig,

Merry X'mas!

Please refer to the link of the latest firmware. Please make sure to select the correct voltage version for your FORMART 2.






Do you have any upgrade instructions for non-Windows computers (Linux, MacOS)?

It looks like XLoader is just using avrdude to load Arduino-based firmware onto the Formart 2. Could you provide the command-line options that avrdude is using?

Also, it appears that the version of XLoader provided is not open source, and not licensed for redistribution.

Quote from Craig Trader on 2021-12-24, 21:44:51

Do you have any upgrade instructions for non-Windows computers (Linux, MacOS)?

It looks like XLoader is just using avrdude to load Arduino-based firmware onto the Formart 2. Could you provide the command-line options that avrdude is using?

Also, it appears that the version of XLoader provided is not open source, and not licensed for redistribution.

Yes, we do have the firmware driver for Mac without test. We will test then release it after the holiday.

Quote from emerson on 2021-12-26, 15:55:35
Quote from Craig Trader on 2021-12-24, 21:44:51

Do you have any upgrade instructions for non-Windows computers (Linux, MacOS)?

It looks like XLoader is just using avrdude to load Arduino-based firmware onto the Formart 2. Could you provide the command-line options that avrdude is using?

Also, it appears that the version of XLoader provided is not open source, and not licensed for redistribution.

Yes, we do have the firmware driver for Mac without test. We will test then release it after the holiday.

I'm really more interested in being able to use Linux, so just the correct options for avrdude would work for me.

Hi Craig,

Happy New Year!

I'm sorry that we tested the mac uploader without luck. The tool we got continue to report the problem  -"not in sync". So far, only winOS available.



Any more information on the necessary avrdude settings for uploading the firmware from the command line?

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