Screwdriver and wrench covered with flexible TPU plastic sheet

【FORMART Project】#7 Make packing blister by double forming

Make packing blister by double forming

How can you obtain a mold for vacuum forming without actually creating one? In this example, we’ll demonstrate how to use the double-pack method to slightly expand the dimensions without the need to create a new mold.


Material of use

TPU 1.0mm sheetPET 0.5mm sheet


Machine of use

FORMART S Smart Vacuum Former




  1. Use your product as a mold and put it on FORMART forming bed, and wrap it with TPU sheet first (please pay attention to the temperature and strength of the product, if the strength is insufficient, please reduce the suction)
  2. Leave the TPU blister on the product, do not take it away, and cut a suitable range along the bottom edge of the TPU
  3. Place the wrapped product on the FORMART forming bed again, and use PET to form it again
  4. Try to put the product(without TPU coated) into the formed PET blister, is it easy to take it out?

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