FORMART_230VAC Firmware_V3.3

FORMART_230VAC Firmware_V3.3

  • 下載 38
  • File Size 916.66 KB
  • File Count 1
  • 建立日期 2021-11-18
  • 最後更新 2022-02-11

FORMART_230VAC Firmware_V3.3

Date of release:


Suitable models:

220-240VAC FORMART pro or FORMART 2.

*Attention: This firmware is not for any other models which may results your FORMART not work.*

Firmware version:

FORMART_230VAC Firmware_V3.3

Reason of update:

  1. Fix the "PUMP Error" misjudge problem when powering on FORMART Pro or FORMART 2.
  2. Improve the suction pressure under high vacuum mode.
  3. Fine tune the forming temperature for PLA & PMMA.
  4. Modify the logic of servo locking timing to reduce the chance of the frame colliding with the servo plate.

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