FORMART _230VAC Firmware_5AV4.3

  • 下載 10
  • File Size 918.18 KB
  • File Count 1
  • 建立日期 2024-07-09
  • 最後更新 2025-01-06

FORMART _230VAC Firmware_5AV4.3

Date of release(發布日期):



Important Levels(重要等級 | 重要なレベル):

Normal(普通 | 一般)


Suitable models(適用機種):

FORMART 2 - 5A version.

*Attention: This firmware is not for any other models which may results your FORMART not work.*



Firmware version(韌體版本):

FORMART_230VAC Firmware_5AV4.3


Reason of update(更新的原因):

  1. Fix the problem of system crash after completing a task.

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